Let’s learn more about Kazymyr Malevych – one of the key figures in avant-garde art. Ukraine House in Denmark invites you to the lecture “Who Really was the Inventor of the Black Square?” by Tetyana Filevska, Ukrainian cultural manager, curator, art historian, co-founder and director of the Malevych Institute in Kyiv and author of the book “Kazymyr Malevych: Kyiv Period 1928-1930”.
Kazymyr Malevych (1879-1921) was born in Kyiv and lived in Ukraine until he turned 17. Malevych received his first education and created his first artworks in Ukraine. His life has been researched in detail and dozens of books about him are published every year all over the globe. However, there are still lagoons to be filled and mysteries to be solved. Like the one of his birth house in Kyiv, his identity or unknown facts about his work as a professor.
During the lecture Tetyana Filevska will share the most interesting facts, unknown details and unexpected twists of Kazymyr Malevych life journey helping us to recognize the context and his impact on Ukrainian and global culture.
Children will have a chance to experiment with their own collage creations in the avant-garde genre, supervised by the Ukraine House coordinators.
Ukraine House is thankful to the Dansk Kulturinstitut / Danish Cultural Institute for their partnership in inviting Tetyana Filevska to participate in the People's Meeting in Bornholm and organizing this event during Tetiana's visit to Denmark.
We also thank informational partners of this event - AUD: Association af Ukrainere i Danmark / Асоціація Українців Данії, Bevar Ukraine and Faino.
When: June 18th, 17:00. Where: Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen Tobuy tickets: kortlink.dk/billetto/2m4wg